To submit a tip, you have several anonymous options: use our dedicated app, call our 24-hour answering service, or fill out the online form on our website. Choose the method you feel most comfortable with, knowing that your identity will remain protected throughout the process.
After your tip is submitted, it is forwarded anonymously to the Crime Stopper Coordinator. From there, it is routed to the correct law enforcement agency responsible for investigating the specific crime or issue you reported. This ensures that your tip is handled by the appropriate authorities while maintaining your anonymity.
Your anonymity is our top priority. All tips are received and processed without any identifying information. Legally, we cannot provide tipsters’ information to prosecuting attorneys or any law enforcement personnel. This ensures that you can safely report information without the risk of your identity being disclosed.
Once your tip is forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency, it is used as part of their investigative process. Officers will act on the information by conducting further investigation, which may involve collecting additional evidence or coordinating with other agencies, depending on the nature of the crime.
If your tip results in a successful outcome, such as an arrest or significant case advancement, you may be eligible for a reward. To claim your reward, follow up on your tip using the confidential ID number given to you at the time of the tip submission. Check the progress of your tip, and if it qualifies for a reward, instructions will be provided on how to collect your money anonymously at a local bank through a drive-through service, without needing to exit your vehicle or reveal your identity.
Rewards are issued for tips that directly lead to an arrest, the solution of a case, or a significant breakthrough that was not already known by the police. Tips that provide new, actionable information are crucial and are more likely to qualify for a reward.
If you have additional information after submitting your initial tip, you can submit this new information through the same anonymous channels: our app, phone service, or online form. Use your confidential ID number to reference the ongoing case, ensuring that all information is added to the right file while keeping your identity secure.
The reward for a successful tip can vary depending on the nature and significance of the information provided. Typically, rewards range from $50 to $1,000. The exact amount is determined by several factors, including the tip’s direct impact on solving a crime or leading to an arrest. All reward decisions are made by our board of directors, which evaluates each tip based on its value and results.